Izlasi, kāds tu esi atbilstoši savam horoskopam (5.sērija)


Izlasi un uzzini, kādas īpašības visprecīzāk raksturo katras horoskopa zīmes pārstāvi!

Šeit esam apkopojuši visu zodiaka zīmju rakstura īpašības, tomēr cilvēkiem, kas dzimuši tuvu kādai citai zodiaka zīmei, šīs īpašības var “pārklāties”!

Šķirsti lapas uz priekšu, lai iepazītos ar katras zīmes raksturojumu. Vai tas atbilst tev?


  • <cite class="fn">Louise</cite>

    This poinstg knocked my socks off

  • Where are you going are your cruise? I may mock them a little but I’ve never turned one down when my parents are paying! They’ve offered to pay for us to join them on Kauai this summer but the thought of traveling 12 time zones away is just too exhausting. And I don’t have two toddlers! I think you made a good decision.

  • those are 3 really long blocks. i personally wouldn’t be too jazzed to live on nostrand and herkimer but it has more to do with the fact that the LIRR is a block away and there’s just a ton of foot traffic, bus traffic, and other sources of noise.

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