Kundze gribēja, lai viņu apglabā ar dakšu rokā, mācītājs nespēj saprast, kāpēc?

Crispina Galario, 70, suffered a stroke two years earlier, leaving her with disturbances of gait, for which she received medical intervention through partner organisation PSMF Inc. - Flash flood forced her to flee away. As she could not walk, she was carried by her son to higher grounds. She lost her house and belongings, notably all her medications. Those can be sourced locally though are rather pricey. She is now staying with her son and daughter s families (around 10 individuals). She suffers post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) as some of her closest friends in the same physical condition as her were left behind during the evacuation and drowned. Also, she fears that the same might happen again, to her this time.    Context:   Tropical storm Washi, known locally as Sendong, swept across Mindanao region from 16 to 18 December 2011, bringing strong winds and heavy rains that caused massive flooding, flash floods and landslides. As of 6 January 2012, the government estimates the affected population at 1,136,222 people, with 1,257 fatalities, 4,663 injured and 101 people identified as missing.    - For further information see: PHL-12-001.pdf -

Bija kāda vecāka kundze, kurai tika diagnosticēta nāvējoša un neārstējama Sli**ba. Ār*ti apgalvoja, ka viņai ir atlikuši pēdējie 3 dzīves mēneši.

Viņa to apzinājās un pieņēma, tāpēc sāka “kārtot lietas” un sāka organizēt bēres. Kundze sazinājās ar vietējo mācītāju, lai norunātu detaļas. Mācītājs dzīvē ir pieredzējis daudz, bet kundzes lūgums viņu samulsināja …

Lai uzzinātu vecās kundzes stāstu, šķir nākamo lapu!

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