Tu neticēsi, kāds mošķis terorizē sievieti viņas pašas mājās

21 gadu jauno Natāliju Vūdsu ir sācis terorizēt zirneklis, kurš ir iemitinājies zem viņas dušas – un pie tam tur dzīvo jau veselus trīs mēnešus!

STIAN_WOLF SPIDER_IMAGE001 A WOMAN is being terrorised by a giant WOLF SPIDER…which has been living in her bathroom for the past three months. Natalie Woods, 21, first noticed the spider after it popped out from underneath her shower at her home in Gravesend, Kent, in May this year. But over the past few months, Miss Woods has watched as the spider has grown into a monster, with a body around an inch long and leg span an additional 1.5-inches. Speaking this week, childcare worker Miss Woods said she was 'terrified' by the spider, saying it was 'growing and growing' and kept dashing in and out from under her shower. She has even asked pals if she could borrow a super-powerful hoover to suck the critter up - or for someone to come and 'get rid of it' for her. Speaking this week, Miss Woods said: "It's frightening the life out of me. "Even getting up for the toilet in the night I'm creeping downstairs in case I accidentally stir it or step on it. "I noticed it ages ago but now it has grown into a whopper." PIX TAKEN BY NATALIE WOODS STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198

Pirmo reizi Vūdsa pamanīja zirnekli tad, kad tas pārskrēja pāri visai vannas istabai. Un tagad viņa ir pamanījusi, ka zirneklis aug tikai lielāks un lielāks.

Vilku zirnekļi ir indīgi un var iekost tad, ja tie tiek izprovocēti – kodiens var izraisīt pietūkumu, niezi un vieglas sāpes. Šiem zirnekļiem ir daudz acu – 2 milzīgas un 6 mazākas. Vilku zirneklis skrien ļoti ātri – pat neticami ātri priekš zirnekļa, un viņam ir trešā labākā redze no visām zirnekļu sugām.

Vūdsa saka, ka viņa ir pārbiedēta, jo zirneklis visu laiku pārvietojas pa vannas istabu.

Šonedēļ viņa bija izdomājis savu stāstu publicēt sociālajos medijos, nofotogrāfējot zirnekli un mēģinot noskaidrot, vai tas ir indīgs. Viņa rakstīja: “Vienalga kurš, kurš kaut ko zina par zirnekļiem, pasakiet man, vai šis ir bīstams vai nē,” piebilstot, ka kādam ir jāatnāk atbrīvoties no šī “mājdzīvnieka”.

STIAN_WOLF SPIDER_IMAGE005 A WOMAN is being terrorised by a giant WOLF SPIDER…which has been living in her bathroom for the past three months. Natalie Woods, 21, first noticed the spider after it popped out from underneath her shower at her home in Gravesend, Kent, in May this year. But over the past few months, Miss Woods has watched as the spider has grown into a monster, with a body around an inch long and leg span an additional 1.5-inches. Speaking this week, childcare worker Miss Woods said she was 'terrified' by the spider, saying it was 'growing and growing' and kept dashing in and out from under her shower. She has even asked pals if she could borrow a super-powerful hoover to suck the critter up - or for someone to come and 'get rid of it' for her. Speaking this week, Miss Woods said: "It's frightening the life out of me. "Even getting up for the toilet in the night I'm creeping downstairs in case I accidentally stir it or step on it. "I noticed it ages ago but now it has grown into a whopper." STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198   STIAN_WOLF SPIDER_IMAGE003 A WOMAN is being terrorised by a giant WOLF SPIDER…which has been living in her bathroom for the past three months. Natalie Woods, 21, first noticed the spider after it popped out from underneath her shower at her home in Gravesend, Kent, in May this year. But over the past few months, Miss Woods has watched as the spider has grown into a monster, with a body around an inch long and leg span an additional 1.5-inches. Speaking this week, childcare worker Miss Woods said she was 'terrified' by the spider, saying it was 'growing and growing' and kept dashing in and out from under her shower. She has even asked pals if she could borrow a super-powerful hoover to suck the critter up - or for someone to come and 'get rid of it' for her. Speaking this week, Miss Woods said: "It's frightening the life out of me. "Even getting up for the toilet in the night I'm creeping downstairs in case I accidentally stir it or step on it. "I noticed it ages ago but now it has grown into a whopper." PIX TAKEN BY NATALIE WOODS STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198

Vūdsa atbildi saņēma diezgan ātri – viņa tika informēta, ka tas ir vilku zirneklis, un, lai arī tas ir liels un indīgs, viņam nav nekādas vēlmes uzbrukt Natālijai.

Vūdsu mazliet nomierināja tas, ka viņa uzzināja, ka zirneklim nav nodoma nodarīt viņai pāri, tāpat viņa inde nav tik spēcīga, lai spētu nogalināt cilvēku, un tas esot diezgan normāli, ka šīs sugas zirneklis ir iemitinājies viņas mājās. Viņai tika ieteikts vienkārši paņemt viņu glāzītē un iznest ārā.

Avots: www.dailymail.co.uk


  • <cite class="fn">Realmaven</cite>

    tas tipa tads iepazishanaas meginajums laikam, vismaz soc tiklos aicinaajums atnaakt, neparko citu neliecina, savadak sen jau butu sazvaniiti dienesti kas sho sakertu un aizvaktu no majas.

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